Complaint Handling

Charles Monat aims to resolve all complaints received fairly, ensuring a consistent approach with due skill, care and diligence. We are committed to uphold an ethical culture steeped in integrity and compliance with laws, regulations and industry standards.

Charles Monat representative

Should you have any grievances about the services rendered by Charles Monat, or if you would like to seek more information on our complaints handling procedures, you may speak to your Charles Monat representative or communicate via email with our servicing desk at:

Complaint Handling Procedure

1. We value transparent and open communication, and your feedback is greatly appreciated.

2. Upon receipt of a complaint, Charles Monat will acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days upon the receipt of the complaint for all Charles Monat entities, except for The United States Emirates [or UAE], where acknowledgment will be made within 7 days. This prompt acknowledgement serves to provide early assurance of receipt and Charles Monat is actively addressing the concern. Furthermore, it ensures that the complainant is kept informed throughout the process and apprised of the actions being taken towards resolution.

3. Charles Monat will gather all pertinent facts necessary for a fair assessment of the complaint, which may entail conducting interviews with relevant personnel, including the complainant when deemed necessary.

4. The complaint will be investigated independently, effectively and promptly. Charles Monat will document its findings, assessment and actions to address the complaint.

5. Upon the conclusion of the complaint investigation, Charles Monat is committed to providing a final response to the complainant within 30 business days for all Charles Monat entities and 20 business days for matters concerning Singapore. In instances where Charles Monat is unable to furnish the final response within this timeframe, a holding letter will be issued to the complainant, informing the complainant of the ongoing investigation status and providing the reasons for the delay, along with an estimated timeframe for the issuance of the final response.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Channels

Complainants are afforded the opportunity to refer their grievances to regulatory bodies or dispute resolution institutions. Should you find our response unsatisfactory, you may refer your complaint to the appropriate regulatory bodies or dispute resolution institutions* within the relevant jurisdiction.

In the case of services provided by Charles Monat Singapore, if the resolution of the complaint is not satisfactory, you may refer the complaint to the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC) for resolution. FIDReC is an independent and impartial alternative dispute resolution institution.

For service provided by Charles Monat Hong Kong, you may refer the complaint to relevant regulatory bodies or organizations are as follows:

The Insurance Complaints Bureau
Mail: 29/F, Sunshine Plaza, 353 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong